Thursday, November 10, 2011

Seriously Guy? What were you thinking?

Dear guy,

You left your three year old little girl in your car unattended while you came in the store and you were in the store for 10 mins before a woman came in panicking about a baby being left unattended in the car. We looked around the store , while looking out the window making sure the little girl was okay. I bet she was scared :-(  When we had found you ; you said "I left her in the car because she was crying" SERIOUSLY GUY??? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING??? Granted when we had asked you if the kid was yours you went to your car and brought her inside but what if that woman never came in the store panicking? Your three year old daughter could of left the car and ran off or she could have been snatched from the car :-( I know you probably wont see this blog ever... But I really hope you will never leave your three year old girl unattended again! A child is a gift from God and not a problem and if she was crying you could of came back later  or brought her in. It's not like other children dont come in the store crying. Kids can have bad days too but at the end of the day they are a gift!

Im praying for you,


It makes me so sad that their are parents out there that think of themselves first and their kids second. Now I dont know if that guy is a bad father he may even be good father but no babies should be left in the car unattended. People are sick in the world and we cant trust that someone wont do something. I probably care more than other people on issues like this but its because I can relate I was always second place to my parents. I love them and forgive them now but its the truth and neither one of them would deny it. I really use my past to help others and in helping others I help myself.

Tip: Please , if you have children  or are planning on having children think of them before yourself.


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