Monday, January 4, 2016

As 2015 ends and 2016 begins

Really, I do not think about too much negativity  from 2015 and if I had anything bad that entire year it was all erased  when I went out to a community  in need this summer for my Field Education  Experience.

Extreme Faith really taught me a lot about myself and what serving/inspiring a community  really looks like. A piece of my thoughts and  prayers will always belong to that neighborhood of Carondolet. Please pray for them also.  It is not every day that you see a community struggling that much. It definitely  humbled me. Every time I hear Touch the Sky by Hillsong I think about Carondolet and pray for them everyday.

Before going into this last summer I use to see my weaknesses  as inabilities that made me look useless but have learned to work on my weaknesses  and turn them into Strengths instead of running from or trying to hide from weaknesses .

Extreme Faith experience  plus my bestfriend Ashley got me a better job as a Level One Medication  Aide. I work with Developmentally Disabled  Adults and love my job. It is really another ministry. I am thankful that this job is giving me experience for my career field as a Community  Support Specialist or another Behavorial Science field.

I am so incredibly thankful I was single. It is weird... I never thought I would say that. However, singleness taught me more about myself and helped me work through some issues I was having. Obviously , I had times where i wish I had a boyfriend  but I got to depend on God even more through that year of singleness. Also, I know now I am looking  for a Christian  man who will be my bestfriend.

Central  was great in 2015 . I got to keep my grades up and have only had mostly  A's and B's since I have been back. No matter how upset I have been with the school in the past I feel mostly grateful for: Spiritual Growth,Friends, and Education. I was so scared I wouldnt pass OT Prophets and I did with a B :-) I loved the way that professor  taught his class with ethusiasm and as a ministry.

2015 I got to watch my first Niece get married. It was such a joy to be her a maid of honor. It was awesome to see her marry a Marine that treats her very well.

Also, in 2015 it was nice to see my family and go to Florida for 3 weeks. I had a great vacation  overall and it went by too fast but I am thankful for the time I got with them and I  Love my family a lot.


This is going to be a Great year! I y am so optimistic  about this year! I finally  graduate  with my Bachelors! And in Christian  Counseling. I had no idea God would call me back to Central in 2014 but he did and I am so thankful that I have a God who is not done writing my story even though at times before Central I gave up on myself. God makes me smile often. It is my joy to serve him and out of anything I do in life serving God and living for him will be the best things I ever do.

So as I metioned I graduate  this year. My official graduation  date is May 13,2015 I am excited and nervous but I have faith to know everything will be fine. I will miss Central but I am ready for another  chance at living on my own with or without roommates and keeping my foundation solid on God this time. I am looking  for any field on the Behavioral Science field but the number one career I am going  for is a Community  Support Specialist .

Please pray for me as my life changes this year that my faith will stay strong and that I find a good career or be content and work at my current job until I do. Thank you! If you ever need  or want prayer for anything let me know.:-)